co n n ectin g
My best friend
and I saw beautiful red hydrangeas in
bloom on a neighborhood walk. Soon after, I received a coupon
from a nursery, then your June issue with the Q&A on hydrangeas
landed in my mailbox. Excellent timing! I once killed a cactus, so to
be inspired to try to plant anything is a milestone fo r me.
Cheryl B. Lemine
I a p p re c ia te
Stephen Saint-Onge’s
stylish yet accessible approaches to
room design. His “House Calls” from
July will join one from April 2008 that
I’ve preserved in my notebook of ideas
for arranging the living room in the
home my husband and I will retire to.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Jeanne Julian, South Hadley, MA
I tried
the Tilapia Puttanesca
recipe in the June issue’s “Good and
Healthy” food section. I’ve lost 40
pounds with Weight Watchers, so
I’m always looking for recipes that
are low in fat and still very flavorful.
This was perfect. BHG is a great
source for healthy living.
Lourdes Garcia, Palisades Park, NJ
have b e e n o v erw eig h t
nearly 20 years and finally decided to
do something about it this year. I
started to walk on a treadmill and
could barely go over a mile. I
received my February issue in which
the “Healthy You” section suggested
signingup for a race several months
in advance to keep motivated. That
article was life-changing for me. I
signed up for a 5K in April and
finished the race. I’ve lost 50 pounds
and walk 6 miles a day. Thank you.
Ann Davies, Lehi, UT
T h ailk
yOU for the realistic bath
renovations in the May issue’s “Bath
Notebook.” We live in a 1950s ranch
where the two haths are 8x8 and
5x8. Most decorating magazines
offer ideas for baths the size of our
living room or that require a second
mortgage or a major addition.
Beverly Harris, Rome, GA
I n e v e r th o u g h t
of myself as a
BHG reader, although I love maga-
zines. It wasn’t until I saw chef Scott
Peacock making his chicken and
dumplings on the
show that I
bought an issue. Then there was his
pound cake and now ice cream! As a
man with Alabama roots, I swell with
pride. Mr. Peacock’s dishes are
indeed “American Classics,” and as
a new subscriber I look forward
to more.
David Crossland, Washington, D.C.
loved th e b e a u ty
of your
“Hanging Gardens” article in the
May issue and especially how
economical the ideas were. I saved
even more money by buying baskets
on sale and starting my plants from
seeds. Thanks for all your tips.
Jodi Duty, Tigard, OR
W e a s k e d : H o w
a re y o u k e e p in g
I “
in t o u c h w it h
f r ie n d s a c r o s s t h e m ile s ?
My good friend Sandy sends out
the equivalent of an “infomercial”
with monthly e-mails. She includes
photos, recipes, books she likes,
and funny family anecdotes. I
respond with news of my
projects, grandsons, and a reading
list of my own.
Lynn Castille, Broussard, LA
When I was in third grade, we
were told to bring a quarter to
class the next day to purchase a
pen pal. I drew Teruyo in Japan.
We're both 6o now and still
exchanging letters. We describe
the changing of the seasons and
how we celebrate holidays. We
have been there to comfort each
other and make each other smile
all these years. Who would have
thought 25 cents could have
bought such a wonderful gift?
Renee Glos-Block
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